On Halloween Day in 1999, I sold my wares at an event for the very first time. The show was appropriately called the Black Cat Festival, and was run by a lady who owned a candle shop. The shop is long gone now, and my wares have totally changed over the course of the last decade plus. When I started out, I was selling wire wrapped glassware as my main line, and jewelry was just an afterthought.
After about five years I got tired of lugging 6-8 totes of glass around to all my shows and breaking glass and storing 6-8 totes of glass, and decided to make jewelry my main line. And look where I am now!
Steamcon will be here before I can blink, and I am working on several outfits, plus the Halloween costume for the munchkin.
Aside from building holsters, I have one outfit complete. This cincher is a part of it!
Hubby modded two nerf guns for me:
And I am in the process of making a junior pirate outfit, with Simplicity 3644. I've got the pieces all cut out for the trousers, shirt, and vest. Now I just need quality sewing machine time!
Featuring members of the newly formed Jewelry on Artfire Guild, as well as some other spooky delights! That's right, some of the artists from the Jewelry on Etsy team have started a guild on Artfire, because we don't get enough of each other already.
I finished another of the pieces I needed for one particular costume for Steamcon last night, a cincher. It's made from the Butterick 5317 pattern, with shoulder straps added.
It's made from elk leather, reinforced with cotton duck and finished with cotton binding. Still needs some tweaking, but on the whole I'm happy with it. Gun holsters will be attached to this when the guns are finished. Guns, you say? What guns? Why the Nerf N-Strike Recon CS guns that my wonderful husband will be modding for me:
I am working on some costumes for Steamcon. Really I am.
A pair of bloomers for one of the concepts in development. I've got one more costume bit to make, and another that I'll be ordering from someone (*hopefully*). And this weekend the husband and I will be shopping for a matched brace of Nerf guns for him to mod for me. If all the pieces come together, this will be epic.
Finished a new parasol this weekend, speaking of Steamcon: