Saturday, February 16, 2013

One for you, two for me

I went to the bead store a few weeks ago, looking for just the right strands to compliment two pieces I've been given.  One was a jade pendant carved in the shape of a dragon that my daughter gave me for Mother's Day last year, and the other a carved vintage sale that my husband got for me for Christmas, in collaboration with his father, who runs estate auctions in New Orleans.  (He also is a wonderful artist - check out some of his work here.)

For the jade piece, I found some jade beads of almost exactly the same shade, as well as some miniscule freshwater disc pearls that had been dyed pale green:

Jade Dragon Necklace by *dbvictoria on deviantART

Here's a closeup of the pendant:

jade dragon necklace closeup

Next, the citrine:

Carved Citrine Pendant Closeup
I got some faceted citrine beads and accented them with rounds of red lava, for color and texture contrast:

Citrine and Lava Beads Closeup

Citrine and Red Lava necklace by *dbvictoria on deviantART

And while I was there I also found some amazingly bright and cheerful orange, yellow, and hot pink pearls, which turned themselves into this:

First Touch of Spring - Orange, Yellow, and Hot Pink Pearl Necklace

Today is bright and sunny and beautiful, if still a bit chilly, so my hankering for springtime is increasing in leaps and bounds.


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