Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tea and Twilight

Just got back from a birthday celebration at the sumptious Queen Mary Tea Room. OM*urp*G.

I normally go for the black teas, like Darjeeling, or Lapsang Souchong, but today I decided I needed to try something new, so I went for the Royal Rose, which they don't seem to have listed on their website.

My friend, whose birthday we were celebrating, is a huge Twilight fan, and while cruising around on Etsy one evening, I found her the perfect gift, from the shop MyMagicMe, a personalized New Moon poster!

This is the second digital portrait I've gotten from Etsy, the other being one for myself, a zombified me from CustomZombie.

Zombie Me!

Ah, the wonders of the digital age!


Sweets and Hearts said...

oh, lol that zombified you is AWESOME! <3

Tiffany Westlund said...

I'm loving the zombie portrait of you....ohhh the many sides of Lady Victoria