Friday, January 15, 2010

A year in the making, day 134

I went entirely two different ways today. Firstly, I started doodling in photoshop. I'd taken this picture of a friend and fellow craftsperson a few weeks ago at an event we both attended:

Professor Shamus Tinplate, before

After a bit of photoshop fun, here's the result:

Professor Shamus Tinplate, after

And yesterday while I was poking through my boxes deciding what to make, I came across some metal loops I'd bought who knows when. A friend of mine, who's quite the knitting fiend, had told me months ago that I should try my hand at some sets of stitch markers, so I decided I'd give it a go:

Red Glass Flowers Stitch Markers Set of 5

Pink Freshwater Pearl and Rose Quartz Stitch Markers Set of 5

And for your viewing pleasure, the newly released flyers for the Vampire Ball!

2010 Vampire Ball flyer front

2010 Vampire Ball flyer back


Ribasus said...

Now this is what I call an interesting post...everything from Photoshop tricks to knitting to the Vamp Ball. That looks like so much fun!!!!

GrandmaMarilyn said...

Love your stitch markers. They look really cool. Loved your photoshop picture. Vampire ball sounds cool, too.