Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Year in the Making, day 166

We just got back from the park, fooled by the bright sunny day, and are currently wrapped around hot steaming mugs of tea to try to warm ourselves up. It was much colder than expected and very windy to boot. Brrrrr! But it's still a beautiful day, and spring fever is hitting like crazy.

I'm almost finished with knitmonster #2. It's been in the works for ages now, but the end is in sight. I'm about 3/4 of the way through with the last skein of boa yarn, so will probably finish it off tonight.

Something simple today - I found some tiger iron briolettes at my last trip to the bead store. Yeah, that trip when I was only supposed to be buying one strand of pearls for that custom wedding set. I am weak.

Tiger Iron Briolette Necklace with Freshwater Pearls

And tonight, I get to pick up my corset! Squeeee! It's my very first completely custom made piece, from the amazingly talented Marie of Fitting Room Corsets, ivory shantung silk with an overlay of beige lace with pink accents. You can see a picture of it here.

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