Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Year in the Making, day 315

Back from day two of the Steampunk Erotic Festival at Little Red Studio. I am tired, I'll admit it. The mileage is showing. I used to be able to stand on cement floors for hours on end and be able to go out and play afterward. Not anymore. All I want is a glass of wine and an ice pack for my aching lower joints. I'm not even "old" yet. What fun to look forward to!

Yesterday was not quite a scorcher, but still warmer than was comfortable. It looked to be, and proved to be, much more temperate today, but I still wanted to make sure I'd survive the day. Yesterday I wore a loose vest and a pair of antique ivory cotton bloomers, with an ivory scarf wrapped loosely around my neck. Periodically I soaked that scarf in water, and it got me through the day with minimal discomfort. Well, that and the two iced bottles of Gatorade.

This morning, before heading out (the festival didn't start till noon) I made myself a black scarf to match today's outfit. It's all nice and wrinkled in this shot because I took it after I got home and it's been wrapped wet around my neck all day:

My new black scarf

It's 100% cotton, with the edges finished in a scrap of Venice lace I had left over from a previous project, just long enough to tie once loosely around the neck and drape over my shoulder. It held water beautifully, and still looked stylish.

I made another piece specifically for myself today, too. Normally, my pieces become mine because I make them and then fall in love with them and decide to keep them instead of selling them like I should. But this morning, I set out to make a "mine" piece deliberately.

I have several antique keys that formerly belonged to a friend, now sadly deceased. I've done a couple of pieces in this style before, and was sad to see them go, so now I'll have my own, with memories attached:

Steampunk Key with Garnets by *dbvictoria on deviantART

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