Thursday, March 18, 2010

The hedge and I

Today, a gorgeous sunny but slightly chilly day, was the perfect day to finally chop our hedge down to size. It's not 100% done, because there's some parts I just can't reach, and even if I could reach them after an hour of wielding the hedge trimmers my arms were screaming for mercy.

Here's what it looked like before:

The hedge before

The hedge before

The hedge before

and after:

The hedge after

The hedge after

The hedge after

I got the sides fairly straight, amazingly considering how much trouble I have drawing a line with a ruler, but the top is a bit raggedy still. I need a ladder, though, to be able to finish the job right. I also need a different tool to assist, as there were a couple of branches too hefty for the trimmers to chop.

I've been making cuddly with my heating pad, moving it back and forth from shoulder to shoulder this evening, and will probably pop a couple of ibuprofen tonight, just in case. It was the lifting and holding the trimmers perpendicular to my body and at head level that was the really tough part.


SendingLoveGallery said...

oh I've been there, my sympathies on the shakey arms!

Michele said...

Oh I hate trimming the trees, so much work, but it does look nice when you're finished.